Business Casual Dress Code
9th-12th Grades
Learning how to dress appropriately for all occasions continues to be an important part of what we do! I hear so many frustrating stories from adults about young professionals not wearing business-appropriate attire, so now is a great time to start laying the groundwork for our students.
Parents, thank you for helping guide your student in their choices!
IMPORTANT: Students, if you have a question about what you are planning to wear and whether or not it is appropriate, please feel free to text me a picture ASAP and I will help guide you! Please do not wait until the day of the event!
Dressing for outings and events is definitely more casual today. In our program, we’re teaching the importance and appropriateness of time and place. Whether you’re attending a Theater outing at a high school event or at Carnegie Hall, we want the students to feel comfortable in their choice and to be able to walk into the environment feeling confident.
A nice business casual outfit shows that you’re taking the outing seriously and respecting the event. It’s a way of showing appreciation for the venue and the experience and that you’re ready to enjoy a special experience!​
NO Jeans, Athletic or Athleisure Wear:
Examples are joggers, leggings, sneakers, etc. - even if they’re name brand!!!
JEANS are not considered ‘business casual. They can sometimes be worn on "Casual Friday" if a company dress code allows. Caveat: some industries do allow jeans on a regular basis, this is a situation where you need to KNOW YOUR AUDIENCE and dress accordingly for the workday or event you are attending!
For the ladies:
Structured Pantsuits are OK, Short rompers are NOT.
If your top or dress is sleeveless, always make sure to wear a light sweater or jacket.
Here are some photos of Business Casual outfits to help: